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Jenkin Industrial (China) Limited "Jenkin" commenced its business in 1976 with the name "Jenkin Trading Co.". It mainly targeted for local distribution of Japan and European imported machinery, tools, construction equipment and building materials. As the sales volume increased, we then expanded to the export business, and established JENKIN INDUSTRIAL (CHINA) LIMITED as an export company based in China and Hong Kong. Ever since, we have been exporting a large variety of products to over 30 countries, with majority to Japan and Europe, contribuion to a yearly turnover of USD30 million. The exported goods include silver plating products, gifts and premiums, Christmas decorations, lighting products, sports & camping goods, gardening products, and indoor furniture etc. We mainly concentrate on sources from China, Taiwan and Asia. To facilitate our customers, we have three showrooms located at our office to display popular and up-to-date items. Our future goal is to expand our customer base and develop a worldwide business network. On the other hand, the target of our sales team is to develop a more competitive, innovative and diversified product base to cope with the increasing challenge from competitors, as well as to offer more choices for our customers. 本公司为香港精勤实业(中国)有限公司常驻中国代表机构之一,贴近广深铁路东莞常平站,乘坐火车到深圳只需30分锺,广州40分锺,主营户外户内休闲家具、花园用品、旅游休闲品、灯饰、电器和各类杂货等,产品100%外销,现因业务迅速扩展诚邀各类英才加入,成为我们的伙伴: 公司致力团结和创建独特的企业文化,为雇员提供理想的工作环境和具竞争力的薪酬.